Laura and Don Mendonca 29sc

Laura and Don Mendonca

Laura and Don Mendonca's activity stream

  • endorsed 2021-06-08 12:16:31 -0700
    I am a Friend of the Hayward Library for many reasons. As a child, I spent much of my life reading at the Hayward library. As an adult, I have been involved in literacy efforts and the love of reading. My cousins, Jim and Muriel Sampson have been involved in your library Friends for years. This donation was made in memory of Jim, but also the memory of the integral part your library made in my own love of books, reading and library service in the community.

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    • "I believe libraries help Hayward thrive"
    • "I believe in lifelong learning for people of all ages"
    • "I want to give back to my community"

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